This is a blog about nothing. Except self Promotion.
The title is a reference to Abbie Hoffman's "Steal This Book". The theme, a blog about nothing, is a tribute to Seinfeld and Davids' series about nothing.
Despite the nothing theme, there are two main purposes of this blog: 1) To satire self promotion, viral marketing, blogging, blog promtion, and other narcissistic pursuits the web has facilitated. 2) To educate the author about web analytics, self promotion, viral marketing, blogging, blog promtion, and other narcissistic pursuits the web has facilitated.
Your comments and suggestions on or for posts are welcome. My email is psattler at yahoo dot com. If you aren't already in my contact list, these often end up labeled as spam. If you don't hear from me, that could be the reason; try just posting a comment in that case. If there's an email address in the comment, I can delete it after I read it and respond.